George Magnus | Speakers for Schools

George Magnus

Independent Economist & Consultant

George Magnus is an independent economist, and was formerly Managing Director and the Senior Economic Advisor of UBS, a position to which he was appointed in 2004, following a seven-year spell as the Chief Economist. He is the author of Uprising- will emerging markets shape or shake the world economy?, The Age of Ageing – how demographics are changing the global economy and our world, and is currently working on a third book. Mr. Magnus’s previous positions include Chief International Economist at UBS before the merger with Swiss Bank Corp, head of fixed income research and then Chief Economist at SG Warburg (1987-95), Chief International Economist at Chase Securities (1985-87, previously Laurie Milbank), Senior Financial Economist and then Head of Economics (EMEA region) at Bank of America (1977-85), European Economist at Lloyds Bank International (1974-77) and Economics Writer at the Central Office of Information (1972-74).

Mr. Magnus received an MSc Econ from the School of Oriental and African Studies, and taught Economics at both the Central London Polytechnic (now University of Westminster) and the University of Illinois, where he was engaged in research on employment creation issues in less developed countries at the Institute of Labour and Industrial Relations.