Alexandra Prigent-Labeis | Speakers for Schools

Alexandra Prigent-Labeis

Communications Strategist, Finance Lecturer at HEC Paris & CEO of Pilates Excellence

Alexandra Prigent-Labeis advises top executives, investment teams, entrepreneurs and public figures to improve their communication strategy, self-confidence and leadership. Her approach is unique in combining body intelligence and storytelling techniques to design high impact communication for individuals and organisations. Her flagship programmes include Posture & Leadership, Capital Raising & Roadshow and Executive Branding. Her work is the result of a rare personal and professional journey that took her from a career as a senior banker at Goldman Sachs to teaching Pilates to elite athletes and CEOs.

Alexandra has over 15 years of experience in storytelling, capital raising and product launch. She worked at Goldman Sachs for a decade in their Global Market division. Her core expertise is in structured credit and Regulatory capital management. She built the European credit insurance structuring team and co-headed a group advising CFOs and CIOs on strategic investments and new insurance products. In that capacity, she successfully designed and personally delivered over one hundred capital raising pitches and transaction launches to investment & risk committees, CIOs and CFOs across Europe.

She then re-trained in anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and Pilates. She is the author of a research article on Tennis Performance and of an academic case study on a professional MMA fighter. She has become one of the most prominent specialists in postural therapy and her clients have evolved from professional athletes to top executives and CEOs. She founded Pilates Excellence in 2012, which has grown rapidly into a team of exceptional instructors. In 2015, Alexandra decided to build a bridge between her 2 areas of expertise and launched her Posture & Leadership programme for top executives wishing to improve their physical presence, communication skills and self-confidence.

Alexandra is a finance professor at HEC Paris, where she teaches Trigger and Contagion of the Credit Crisis for their Masters in International Finance, ranked #1 worldwide by the Financial Times. She is also a regular keynote speaker within talent management programmes. She is on the list of speakers contributing to Speakers for Schools, an education charity providing young people in UK state schools with access to leading figures and inspirational talks.

She has advised teams and individuals across industries ranging from finance to energy, from pharmaceuticals to luxury goods, from retail to technology. Her clients include leading corporations like Morgan Stanley, the financial services group, Admiral, the insurance group, CapVest, the private equity firm or Novacap, the global chemical company, as well as many growth companies and start-ups.

Alexandra was born in Paris, France. She graduated from HEC Paris with a Masters in Finance. She now lives in London with her husband and daughter and travels for her teaching and speaking engagements.